Mr. Masato Kumoi, a professor at Kunitachi College of Music, gave us a chance to try the “Model 46”.
To be honest, I was very nervous because it was the first time for me to witness a classical saxophonist try “Model 46”.
After playing the “Model 46,” Mr. Kumoi said,
“It’s my favorite sound”
Mr. Kumoi has a very inquisitive mind, even modifying his own mouthpiece.
He seemed to have been interested in my “Model 46” trial videos, and just the other day he contacted me to talk directly with me about it.
When I explained my analysis of Paul Desmond’s technique, he listened with great interest and tried various techniques.
After hearing my sound, he tried it again.
We had a great time talking about a wide range of topics, such as the tones considered not good for classical saxophone, the approximation of Mule and Desmond tones, mouthpieces, reeds, and musical instruments.
He told me that the “Model 46” would be more effective for expressing the nuances of other genres rather than for serious classical music.
I have confirmed its potential as an interesting mouthpiece for classical and brass band saxophone players.
I hope it will be accepted in many fields.
Thank you very much, professor Kumoi!
“Model 46” will be released in June.
Please wait a little longer.
国立音楽大学特任教授の雲井雅人先生に”Model 46″を試奏していただきました。
“Model 46″を吹いて雲井先生曰く、
日頃から僕の”Model 46″試奏動画に関心を寄せて頂いていたようで、つい先日、僕に直接話を伺いたいとの連絡があり、今回の試奏に至りました。
Paul Desmondの奏法について僕の分析を話すと、興味深く聞き入ってくださり、様々な奏法を試されておりました。僕の音を聞いてまた試したり。
“Model 46″は、ガチなクラシック楽曲で使うというよりは、他ジャンルのニュアンスを表現できる幅が広いので、そういった楽曲で威力を発揮しそうだ、との評をいただきました。
“Model 46″の発売は6月になります。