About Mouthpiece

2024.03.14 Product information !

(English text is below)
僕がアドバイザーとして携わったマウスピースの製品情報が、3/13発売のサックス専門誌「サックス•ワールド vol.32」にて公開されました!

・製品名;「 Super Custom Model 46」
・ブランド;Wood Stone(石森管楽器)


ですので、「サックス•ワールド vol.32 」で是非MC Gregoryやサブトーンについての関心を高めつつマウスピースの発売をお待ち頂ければ幸いです。

永年所有していたが中々実用化できていないMC Gregoroyをどうにか使えるようにしたい。
MC Gregoryはポール・デスモンドやアート・ペッパーらのようなスマートでサブトーンがかった音色を出せるマウスピース。

所謂ジャズ向けに限らずクラシック向けの個体も含めて、MC Gregoryに共通する部分があるものは片っ端から買い漁った。


その間、仕事は少なかったがその少ない仕事は幸運にもGentle Forest Jazz Bandが多かった。ビッグバンドなのでサックス吹きが他に4人もいる。それ故に彼らは厳しくも正直な頼れる審査員となってくれた。

そんなこんなで自ら手を加えて完成したマウスピースがVandoren AL5を改造したものだった。
同様の感触を得られる現行マウスピースは他には皆無。MC Gregoryのあの形状が現代ではどれだけ特殊であるかを思い知った。

大路さんといえば、メインは白いバリトンというイメージが強いが、アルトを吹けばポール・デスモンドを愛する気持ちが溢れるプレイヤー。とても優しく頼れるアニキ分な存在。現在僕のバンドでお世話になっている宮野裕司さんと「Cross Counter」というバンドをやられていたという大尊敬する先輩だ。
単にMC Gregoryのコピー品というわけではなく、現行楽器に付けても上手くサウンドするモノを作りたいという点も共通していた。





石森管楽器の石森信二氏、高柳興氏、サックス・ワールド湯川雅宗氏には心より感謝すると共に、「サブトーン徹底研究」という誌面企画においては、Gentle Forest Jazz Bandでお馴染みの上野まこと氏との対談という、とても楽しい内容と共に皆様にご報告できてとても幸せです。



Thank you all for your patience!
The product information of the mouthpiece I was involved in as an advisor has been published in the Japanese saxophone magazine “Sax World vol.32”, which is on sale March 13th!

・Name; “Super Custom Model 46”
・Brand; Wood Stone(Ishimori Wind Instruments)
・Release date; Around spring (undecided)

・Price: Undecided
・Contact;Ishimori Wind Instruments

I don’t know the release date and price yet.
So, I hope that “Sax World vol. 32” will help you to become more interested in MC Gregory and Subtones, while you wait for the release of the mouthpiece.
Here, I would like to describe in more detail how things have been going up to this point.
It is long, so please read it when you have time.

In 2021, in the midst of the Corona Disaster, I was offered a great job teaching saxophone to a very famous celebrity.
My income increased unusually only that month.
I thought I could do something with this income, so I started researching mouthpieces.
I want to produce the finest subtones with current instruments.
I wanted to somehow be able to use the MC Gregoroy that I had owned for many years but had never been able to put to practical use.
This desire grew.
MC Gregory is a mouthpiece that can produce smart, subtonal tones like those of Paul Desmond and Art Pepper.
However, it doesn’t sound good with my current YAS-82Z or other modern instruments.
I would like to make it usable.

Around the same time, the master of a jazz cafe in Shibuya suggested that a narrower opening might be better to produce a subtone.
I took his opinion and bought a lot of current mouthpieces with narrow openings.
I bought all the mouthpieces I could find that shared the same characteristics as MC Gregory’s, including classical mouthpieces as well as jazz mouthpieces.

As a result, it is true that the narrower opening is better!

When my funds ran out, I took the advice of my trusted refacer and tried to reface the mouthpiece myself.
I bought a stick file, sandpaper, and other tools, and I sharpened the mouthpiece by watching videos on the Internet of mouthpieces being refaced and following their instructions. I also used saws, wire, and pliers (lol).
I didn’t have many jobs during that time, but fortunately, many of those jobs were with the Gentle Forest Jazz Band. It was a big band, so there were four other saxophonists. Therefore, they were strict but honest and reliable judges.

The mouthpiece that I completed with my own modifications was a modified version of the Vandoren AL5.
I realized how unique the shape of MC Gregory’s mouthpiece is today.
And that’s why that sound doesn’t exist in today’s music scene.
At the same time, I was able to sort out in my mind what kind of mechanism produces that sound.

At the end of 2021, I decided to have a professional mouthpiece maker make one for me.
Then I visited Ishimori Wind Instruments.
Mr. Shinji Ishimori was willing to listen to me.
I took out my modified mouthpiece and told him how I felt. What Mr. Ishimori told me was a heart-wrenching story.
In fact, he told me that he had previously tried to create something similar to the late Mr. Dairo Miyamoto. However, Mr. Dairo passed away in the process, so he had to stop. I still remember well how I got goose bumps when I heard this story.
Mr. Dairo has a strong image of being a white baritone in the main part, but when he plays alto, he is a player who is overflowing with love for Paul Desmond. He is a very kind and dependable player. He was a member of a band called “Cross Counter” with Yuji Miyano, who is currently a member of my band, and I have great respect for him.
I felt a sense of mission to fulfill Mr. Dairo’s will somehow.
As I talked with Shinji, I could confirm that the data he had accumulated from before was still firmly in his mind. His understanding of the mechanism that produces that sound and the detailed shape was surprisingly similar to mine.
We also shared a common desire to create something that would sound well when attached to current instruments, rather than simply copying MC Gregory’s work.

Isn’t this process amazing?

So far, this is what has happened from early summer 2021 to the end of 2021.

In early summer of 2023, the long-awaited prototype was completed.
It took Ishimori Wind Instruments longer than expected because of repeated trial and error in selecting reproducible tools for commercialization.
During that time, I did a lot of research on the demand for this type of mouthpiece through SNS.
As it turned out, several companies had developed this type of mouthpiece and started selling them.
I knew there was demand for this type of mouthpiece.
I made my own website, created a special page for the mouthpiece (this page), summarized the research articles I had posted on SNS, translated them into English, and continued to prepare for the release of the mouthpiece.
My fellow musicians were actively resuming live performances in the fall of 2022, but I was not in the mood to do so.
I wanted to start my post-Corona activities with a new item, this type of mouthpiece.

In January 2024, a prototype was completed that could be used in modern instruments from duo to big band without regretting its characteristics, and it is now finally ready for commercialization.
At the same time, we received a request for an interview with Sax World Magazine, which was somewhat rushed, and the product information was finally announced in the latest issue of the magazine!

I would like to thank Mr. Shinji Ishimori ,Mr. Ko Takayanagi of Ishimori Wind Instruments and Mr. Masamune Yukawa of Sax World Magazine, from the bottom of my heart, and I am very happy to report to you the very enjoyable contents of the magazine project “Sub Tone Study” in which I talked with Makoto Ueno, a well-known member of Gentle Forest Jazz Band. I am very happy to be able to report this to you.

I hope that this mouthpiece will reach more saxophonists.
Thank you all!

